People visiting my site have seen this logo and wondered what it stood for. NSACE stands for National Society of Agents for Consumer Education. This is a group formed whose purpose is to provide communication and education with regard to insurance protection. My philosophy has always been that insurance is an investment of your hard earned dollars. I do not view insurance protection as a sales transaction, but rather a continuous fact finding excercise where I learn from the client and educate the carriers; I meet the needs and educate the insured. I say continous because our lives are constantly changing…new cars, relocation, additional family members, business transitions, health issues. The list goes on and on. We all experience it everyday. Your insurance investment is never stagnant. It needs to be revisited and adjusted through regular reviews. The NSACE understands the importance of communication, education, and consumer protection. This is why I am proud to be one of its charter members.
Have a question on what your insurance dollars are covering? Send me an email or visit my Protect You Better Website:
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